Help Send One Of Our Awesome Athletes to Australia!

From Brianna:

As an athlete, I have been invited to participate in the Down Under Sports Tournaments hosted onthe Gold Coast of Australia. I am honored to be an ambassador of not only my community and state,but also our country. I will be representing Maryland on the Track and Field Team during thesummer of 2018. I am looking for sponsors to make donations towards the cost of competing downunder. A major source of funds comes through voluntary contributions of family, friends, andbusiness sponsors. Your sponsorship will be a very important part of fundraising for me and myteam. This donation will help us fulfill this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Included below is a thank you ticket for taking the time to read this letter. Just fill in the ticket andsend this entire page along with any contribution you would care to make to Down Under Sports atthe address listed below. You will go into a drawing for a trip for two to Australia and/or asubsequent drawing for a 5-day cruise for two.

Click the letter for more information and how to help!

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