REPORT: Millennial Parents are Drinking More Because of thier Kids

A new study has found that millennials are drinking more in order to deal with their kids! A study done by Constellation Brands Inc. found that the average millennial consumed 24 drinks a month in 2013, but now, they're up to 29 a month on average. The company's CEODavid Kleinshared the state during an interview and said that he thinks it's all because millennials have children now. He said, “Well, I think that’s exactly the answer. And what we don’t know though, is: Will we see that same thing with Gen Z as they age, will life get more stressful for them, and they drink a little more? But it’s too early to tell, but we definitely have seen that with millennials.” Meanwhile, addiction experts reports seeing more and more parents come i for treatments, especially mothers -- as they turn to the bottle to cope with the stress of raising children, having a career and taking care of the household. Between 2002 and 2013, the number of women who consumed more than four drinks a day rose almost 60%, while those meeting the criteria for alcohol use disorders -- indicative of problem drinking --  increased by 84%, according to the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. (NY Post)

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