Governor John Carney Issues Stay-At-Home Order For Delaware

During a press conference Sunday evening, Delaware Governor John Carney issued a statewide stay-at-home order effective Tuesday, March 24th at 8AM. The order will hold until May 15th, or until the public health threat has been eliminated. Additionally, all non-essential businesses will close during this time. Essential businesses include grocery stores, gas stations, and pharmacies. Restaurants may continue to offer carryout and delivery services. Click here to view the full list of businesses considered essential and non-essential in Delaware.

“We’re acting with urgency to prevent a spike in coronavirus cases that could overwhelm our hospital system,” said Governor Carney. “Delawareans cannot go out in public unnecessarily. Wash your hands and disinfect surfaces frequently. Essential businesses that remain open must provide easy access to hand washing stations or sanitizer, enforce social distancing, and provide flexible sick leave policies for their employees. That will reduce our risk and help keep all Delawareans healthy. We’ll get through this, but we all need to pitch in and take this threat seriously.”

Delawarians will be permitted to leave their homes to grocery shop, visit the doctor, and check on family members, among other approved activities. While also permitted to be outdoors, safe self-distancing should still be practiced.

Earlier in the week, Governor Carney announced the closure of all Delaware beaches through at least May 15th.

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