Dumpster Diver only spends $90 per year at the grocery store.

Woman Dumpster Dives For Groceries: The NY Post says Danish dumpster diver Sofie Juel-Andersen spends only $90 per year on groceries because she digs through trash to find most of her food. She began dumpster diving three years ago after her sister shared photos of high quality items that she discovered in garbage cans. Sofie is now fully committed to her unusual supermarket hack. She claims dumpster diving behind grocery stores has brought her financial freedom and allows her to work only four days per week.

Sofie says, "So much good food is being wasted — and supermarkets know there are people out there, who can't afford to eat. I was truly blown away by the amount of waste in these dumpsters. There would literally be two dumpsters round the back of a supermarket, filled with packaged food: whole chickens, candy, drinks. We once found 300 cans of Diet Coke still in their boxes. I once found 10 fully-packaged margarita pizzas, an avocado, a red pepper and some parsley, combined the ingredients, and served it to my friends at a dinner party."

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