Odd Work Hours Could Harm Health

A new study published in the Plos One journal reveals that irregular work schedules can negatively impact health years down the line. The publication defines a "standard" work schedule as beginning around 6 a.m. and ending by 6 p.m.. It defines a "volatile" schedule as starting at 2 p.m. or later and working until midnight. Researchers studied 7,000 people over the course of 30 years before concluding that years of volatile schedules may seriously harm physical and mental health by age 50.

NYU professor and lead researcher Wen-Jui Han says, "This has repercussions. People with work patterns involving any degree of volatility and variability were more likely to have fewer hours of sleep per day, lower sleep quality, lower physical and mental functions, and a higher likelihood of reporting poor health and depressive symptoms at age 50 than those with stable work schedules. Volatile work patterns might be a chronic stressor in our life."

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